HackteriaLab2014 – Yogyakarta co-organised by LifePatch (ID) and Hackteria (Int’l), we defined three of Ecologic Research Nodes with the local Indonesian facilitators, such topics are tightly relating to the daily life of Yogyakarta. They are: 1. Bioremediation of Volcanic Soil, 2. Environment Monitoring of the Rivers in Yogya, 3. Biodiversity conservation in Wonosadi Forest, together with the focus on Open Source Hardware and DIY Low-Cost Laboratory Infrastructure. HLab14 brought together a group of international, regional and local participant of makers, artists, scientists, researchers to investigate and foster the concept of DIY bio art and citizen science.
International Hackteria Society is a community platform encouraging the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their experitise, to develop and access to practical knowledge in artistic engagement with the life sciences. The platform share simple instructions to work with life science technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings. To create public discussions and invite international artists, thinker and scientists for critical and theoretical discourse.
Since 2010 the network met regularly and gathered in Switzerland in 2010 & 2011, where the Asia-European collaborations have intensified, including co-organisation and active participation at HackteriaLab2013 – Bangalore (IN). Hands-on workshop within this network have been held in more than 20 countries since 2009.
Pei-Wen Liu, Sound Artist, International Project Manager of International Hackteria Society